Friday, December 9, 2011

I won't put pen to paper, it's a mania

Yup. Manic again. How many more days at this dosage?

No visible weight gain, puffiness or swelling. I don't have a scale so I don't know for sure.

Yesterday I had to force myself to eat periodically. I was not the slightest bit hungry, following breakfast, for the remainder of the day.

There are so many complications and possible interactions that it's hard to make sense of what's going on. What's the prednisone, what's the liver disease, what's just normal fluctuations in energy and appetite?

Maybe I need to assume nothing I'm experiencing right now can be explained away as "normal."

Loss of appetite is a symptom of liver disease, especially near the end. Though I will guess that it isn't too far gone if I'm not experiencing nausea or vomiting. Is that why I'm not hungry?

It can't be that the prednisone isn't kicking in. Because it is, oh it is. Definitely manic and insomniac here. Last week I was taking 2- or 3- hour afternoon naps in addition to a full night's rest: fatigue seems to be the number-one symptom of liver disease.

Within a few days of starting prednisone I feel hopped up all day, stay up half the night, and subsist perfectly well on 5 hours of sleep.

With the loss of appetite has come an utter loss of food cravings. I never seem to want anything. I've always had an insatiable sweet tooth. Now candy and sugar are things I can take or leave. I have no desire to eat. And I love food.

I feel full all the time. Almost uncomfortably so. Usually this would have something to do with swelling, fluid retention, and bloating-- side effects of both prednisone and liver disease. But when I scrutinize myself in the mirror I don't see bloat, at least nothing obvious. My abdomen feels soft, not taut or stretched. I don't know what to make of that.

I'm pretty certain I can feel my spleen. It's enlarged and tender and probably has been for a long time, thanks to complications with my liver. Sometimes I think I can feel my liver at the edges of my ribcage, too.

I have the sensation that my heart is pounding. I feel as if I'm trembling from within. When I put my hand to my chest, my heart rate is steady. Normal. I think. I don't know what to make of that either.

Slightly grandiose thoughts come with the mania, a little. I feel chattier, bolder. I'd love to go on a job interview right now because I'd damn well knock someone's socks off. Maybe literally.

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