
Before the prednisone. 12/03/11
I started this blog in December of 2011 to document my experiences with autoimmune hepatitis and the love-to-hate-it drug prednisone.

Let's say I was emphatically Not Amused to be diagnosed with an advanced case of autoimmune hepatitis at the age of 24. Nor to be told that my liver was so scarred I had cirrhosis on a par with 20 to 30 years of heavy drinking. This for the girl who doesn't even like alcohol.

My doctor decided to "hit me as hard as possible" with prednisone to shut down my immune system and preserve what's left of my liver until I can get a transplant. But the treatment comes with its own host of scary side effects and complications. I've heard success stories of prednisone too, but only for short-term use. I'm probably going to be on this drug for the rest of my life. Which means a whole 'nother host of long-term effects to look forward to.

In the wake of all this I feel lost, and I'm floundering for resources to help me deal with the treatment. So here goes my attempt to become a resource for anyone else out there struggling with the same fears.